One would not be wrong calling us Virtual Vigilantes.
We do our best to work within the legal domain. A member of Q2 must be willing to discuss ethics. Ethics are the mile wide line between YES/NO Why did we adopt the Qubit? Well: A bit, is either 1 or 0, on or off, yes or no, true or false. A Qubit...that is a different story all together. You don't know what you don't know, and you don't know what you think you do. Always observe everything. The universe is ever e4xpanding. |
Welcome to our home away from home. We are simple folks, that understand the state of technology and how quickly it is escalating out of control. As a group we spend our free time combating scammers, spammers, malicious actors, and generally bad people. Sometimes we work with authorities. We do not take the law into our own hands. We also do not get paid for this work. What we have decided to do was work with CyberTronic Solutions, a worthy small business who has been around since 2008 helping military veterans and small businesses. They will be allowed to journal our stories, and also use our lessons learned to teach the public in hopes of creating a new method of education where you learn by expanding your horizon. Like when you watched that movie about quantum mechanics and had no idea what any of it means, but now you know the term, and that it is super small stuff. If you are ever curious, you now have that to base future learning off of where you might not have had it before. We aim to educate you on EVERYTHING from growing sugar cane to the Anarchist's Cookbook. This may seem like a pointless endeavor, but we have looked hard at the future, and we realize it is a fight we can't win on our own, not without you and everyone you know getting smarter about technology and how it is used against us by people, corporations, and yes, even governments. Feel free to contact us, or better yet, join our Discord server and talk to some of our members. You may realize you have something to add to our community.
Question: Do you know who really made that comment on Facebook or Insta? Are you sure? Would it matter in person?

Additional content is password protected, though the passwords are available for those bold enough to find them!
Site contains our free security awareness adventures (ShadowScript Sagas). Please contact CyberTronic Solutions if you would like custom content for your organization.
This site also contains our novels, journals, and larger scale adventures. These adventures are embedded with a mix of technologies to allow you to dive deep or remain in the shallows. You can engage with the characters, who are based on real people who are currently engaged against cybercrime and syndicates across the globe.
If you would like to join the Qubit Quorum and become a virtual vigilante (we abide by ethical practices to solve virtual issues) you will need to find us on DISCORD!
We have recently acquired Vicious Vineyards, so if you are looking for them, they is us.
Site contains our free security awareness adventures (ShadowScript Sagas). Please contact CyberTronic Solutions if you would like custom content for your organization.
This site also contains our novels, journals, and larger scale adventures. These adventures are embedded with a mix of technologies to allow you to dive deep or remain in the shallows. You can engage with the characters, who are based on real people who are currently engaged against cybercrime and syndicates across the globe.
If you would like to join the Qubit Quorum and become a virtual vigilante (we abide by ethical practices to solve virtual issues) you will need to find us on DISCORD!
We have recently acquired Vicious Vineyards, so if you are looking for them, they is us.

CyberTronic Solutions
Our Consulting and Editorial partner. CTS is located in the US and is an L3C, or Low Profit Limited Liability Company, meaning they are not profit driven. Founded in 2008, CTS has helped hundreds of Veterans, Students, and people needing to develop digital skills through one-on-one interaction and mentorship.
CyberTronic Solutions
Our Consulting and Editorial partner. CTS is located in the US and is an L3C, or Low Profit Limited Liability Company, meaning they are not profit driven. Founded in 2008, CTS has helped hundreds of Veterans, Students, and people needing to develop digital skills through one-on-one interaction and mentorship.
CyberTronic Solutions